03/27/20 | Friday.
Workout Of The Day:
As Many Reps As Possible In 6 Minutes Of:
2 Dumbbell Reverse Lunges,
20 Double-Unders (10ft. Shuttle Sprint / 75m Row / :20 Second Mountain
Reverse Lunges Increase By 2 Reps Per Round.
Rest 2 Minutes.
As Many Reps As Possible In 6 Minutes Of:
2 Dumbbell Snatches,
20 Double-Unders (10ft. Shuttle Sprints / 75m Row / :20 Second Mountain
Dumbbell Snatches Increase By 2 Reps Per Round.
After Party:
As Many Reps As Possible In 6 Minutes Of:
20 Crab Toe Touches,
:20 Second Left Plank Hold & :20 Second Right Plank Hold.
Rest As Needed Between Rounds.
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