Upcoming Events and Socials:
Tomorrow, Thursday July 25 – 7pm at Rancho Chico – Margarita night – join some of the members for some good times
Saturday August 10 – Spartan Race – come watch your fellow athletes run a fun race!
Saturday August 24 – Final Power Athlete Event!
Important Dates:
Saturday August 3 – complete your last workout at the old CrossFit Torque space at 9am – then help move equipment to the new space from 10am. Then partner up and complete the 31 Heroes WOD at 11am and 11:45am!
Monday August 5 – It’s official – all classes will now be at the new box! Thank you to everyone who has supported us along this wonderful journey!
Sunday September 8 – CrossFit Torque will have it’s official public OPEN HOUSE to welcome the community into our new space (stay tuned for times and details)
Wednesday July 24, 2013
Squat Snatches – warm up and reach a moderate weight, then
EMOTM for 8 of:
2 Squat Snatches at 65-75% of 1RM
Workout of the Day:
Complete, for time 4 Rounds of:
400m Run
5 Squat Snatches, 135 / 95#
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
Post your WOD results to comments!
We have a new private group on Facebook for current members to post about events, recipes, workouts, fun ideas/gatherings/social times. Go to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/crossfittorque/ to join!
You can stay up to date with some box photos, events, and connect with fellow athletes. Please make sure to change your settings to allow seeing all posts and receive push notifications so that you can stay on top of what’s going on!