“Life requires movement.” ~ Aristotle
Chasing and trying to keep up with your grandchildren?
Maintaining a meaningful employment?
Providing care to your ailing loved ones?
Training for that lifelong goal of running a timed race?
Do you identify with any of the above? Listen, life is more demanding than ever before, but it’s never too late to feel strong and empowered! We are looking to add vigour to your life and help you do all the things you want to do every day.
Torque ForeverFit is a small specialty group for women and men aged 55+. All levels of fitness experience and abilities are welcome! This class is designed to help keep you moving and help you live your best life!
ForeverFit is a safe and fun way to develop your functional strength, improve your energy levels, coordination, and balance, and meet like-minded individuals to share your fitness journey with! Owner & Head Coach Amanda and Torque’s experienced Staff will help you become more comfortable with different types of weights and exercises, while adapting for old injuries or mobility limitations. Our program is built to provide scaling options to allow an individually beneficial workout. If your goal is to bring all of the groceries in the house in one trip, we can help prepare you!
A typical class will be just under sixty minutes long. Our warm-up will get your blood flowing and muscles ready to work. Our workouts will focus on functional mobility. Whether you are a fitness beginner or a former athlete, you will learn the basic foundational movements found in all workouts that are always led by a qualified coach. You will receive constant instruction and supervision.
Studies show that adults 65 years and older who strength trained twice a week had a 46% lower mortality rate and that strength training reduces all causes of death, including cancer and cardiac death.
This six-week program, meeting two times per week, will empower you to learn and perform bone-building movements and safely lift weights so you can continue enjoying a high quality and fulfilled life. It’s never too late to hang with us at CrossFit Torque!
Days & Times: To be determined based on demand & requests!
Price: Introductory rate of $124.99 for the six-week session
Meet & Greet: come learn more about what we have to offer! Meet Owner & Head Coach Amanda, Torque’s qualified coaches, other interested men and women. We will talk about the program, demonstrate a few of the functional movements, answer any questions you might have, and enjoy some hot coffee on a fall day! Saturday November 17 at 10:15am.
Coach-led Training
Cardio for a Strong Healthy Heart
Improve Balance and Coordination
Increase Stamina & Build Strong Bones
“The needs of an Olympic Athlete and our Grandparents differ by degree, not kind. One is looking for functional dominance, the other for functional competence” –Greg Glassman, Founder of CrossFit, Inc