How important is nutrition?

When thinking about starting your health and fitness journey, nutrition HAS to be a part of that journey. Nutrition has to be treated as a non-negotiable. 

Nutrition combined with physical activity, can help you reach or maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic disease (heart disease, cancer), and improve your overall quality of life.

You can’t outrun a bad diet. I love that saying because it holds a lot of truth. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if you take 1 hour out of your day to exercise and don’t fuel yourself properly the rest of the day, then you most likely won’t see the changes that you want.

I talk to many different people who think they can come to work out at the gym 3x/week and expect to see results solely on that. I hate to be a bearer of bad news but it doesn’t work like that. 

There are 24 hours in a day and when you take just 30min to 1 hour to work out, there is a lot of time throughout the rest of the day that your hard work can be sabotaged. 

Start by making small changes. 

Your mindset should be one of the first things. You can and you will do this. 

Whether it’s weight loss, lowering your blood pressure, improving your blood glucose levels, or just maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle, nutrition and fitness go hand in hand. 

If you find nutrition overwhelming and don’t know where to start please reach out!

Schedule your Free No-Snack Intro with us today!

people working out in a group fitness class


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