Member Since: December 11, 2023
Tell us about you! What’s something that other members may not know about you? Some of your hobbies or favorite things to do.
I am a high school cheerleading coach which is where I spend most (if not all) of my free time after work. With the hours of work they have put in as athletes, they have secured several league titles, 3 consecutive south regional titles, back to back MA state runner-up, and 2023 grand national champions. They are a great group that I am very proud of. I was a cheerleader my whole life, cheering with the Boston Celtics for a short time in 2018 right before I got my teaching job. I also love crafting with my Cricut, adventuring with my yellow lab named Bodie, and relaxing by the pool (warmer days ahead)!
What was it about CrossFit Torque that made you want to join?
I have followed Torque on social media for a while, and the sense of community I got just from the pictures really pulled me in. Best decision I have made!
What has kept you coming back to Torque day after day? And/or favorite thing about CFT?
The friends and connections I have made here keep me coming back! Everyone is so encouraging and welcoming (both members and coaches). I love that workouts can be tailored to your specific skill level and that the coaches genuinely care about you, your progress, and your goals.
What is your proudest accomplishment thus far?
That I am prioritizing myself at Torque! I’m entering my self-care era!
What has been your biggest challenge?
Overcoming fears and negative self talk that I would never be able to do half of the movements we see so frequently. Just from simply believing in myself (thanks to the coaches and members for inspiring me), I have now done kipping pull-ups, rope climbs, wall walks, overhead squats, and have PRed several times. Mindset is everything!
Do you have a favorite movement?
Deadlifts forever 🙂
What piece of advice would you give to someone who might be hesitant to start CrossFit but hasn’t yet?
If you could have a super power what would it be?
Ability to fly. A day trip to a tropical island doesn’t sound too bad!