Monday 120102 "Death by Squat Clean"

Happy New Year!
1. New Schedule for Monday & Wednesday afternoons.  Starting tomorrow, Monday and Wednesday will have a few class time changes with an added class. From now on, it will be 4-5pm, 5-6pm and 6-7pm. We hope the class from 6-7 will please those members who have been requesting a later class in the evening!  This also puts us at offering 8 classes a day on Mon & Wed! The updated schedule can be seen on our website.
2. In lieu on the change to the Monday & Wednesday afternoon schedule, one of our own members Jason (Jay) Stavros will be coaching the 4pm class. He completed the CrossFit Level 1 Seminar Course back in early Dec and has been shadowing Head Coach Kenny, Coach Don and Coach Rich for the past couple of weeks. We know Jay is known to be a fun and outgoing CrossFitter, and he will continue to be outgoing, however please make sure to show him respect and take him seriously as he will be doing the same when he’s coaching!
3. The following are some changes to our membership options:

  • We are now offering a 3x a week option for $120 a month (no discounts can be applied)
  • The 2x a week option is now going to be $99 a month; however, anyone who has that option now is grandfathered in at $85 a month

4. Holiday Party is finally here!  Come mingle with your CrossFit Torque family at the Chace Household in Walpole, MA. The party will begin at 5pm and end at 8pm. Nancy Chace is going to have a ham, a turkey and Italian meatballs. Please bring your favorite finger food, appetizer or dessert to share with everyone! Don Chace has graciously offered to supply a few bottles of wine and some pretty generic beer – so please bring your preferred wine or beer if you would like!   (please ask any of our coaches for the Chace’s address).
Any questions or concerns please let us know! Don’t forget to ‘like’ us on our Facebook page! Also our new CrossFit Torque sweatshirts should be here in the next two weeks!

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Friday's WOD results

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Saturday's make-up WOD day

Monday January 2, 2012
Squat Clean 1-1-1-1-1
“Death by Squat Clean”
prescribed weight 135/95#
complete 1 squat clean on minute 0, 2 squat cleans on minute 1, 3 squat cleans on minute 2, and continue increasing reps each minute. You must complete the reps within that minute and once you fail the WOD is over.
Compare to April 7, 2011 (110407) and August 23, 2011 (110823). Post squat clean weight and WOD results to comments!
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August 23, 2011 "death by squat clean" WOD results

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April 7, 2011 "death by squat clean" WOD results

people working out in a group fitness class


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