Muscle Up 101
Saturday 01/07/2016 – 10:30am-11:45am
This clinic is perfect for those athletes who are in need of the tips, tricks, and guidance to achieving their (first) muscle-up. We will teach and review the transition drills, as well as the behind the scenes strength building required.
This highly skilled movement becomes the movement CrossFit athletes want to achieve. Let us help you get there before The Open sneaks up on us again in February!
Requirements: Must be comfortable with both kipping and strict pull-ups and dips. Minimum requirement of 5 of each strict movement. An added plus is being comfortable holding the false grip position on the rings. If you do not meet these standards, please contact us directly to discuss an alternative option to this clinic.
When: Saturday January 7, 2016 from 10:30-11:45am; plus homework for outside of class
Cost: Cash $17 for unlimited members; $20 for 2x/3x members.
Spots: 6 minimum needed, will cap at 8 athletes
Register: Email or Speak to Coach Amanda or Coach Jake