Good Morning CrossFit Torque!
**Thursday Night there is a football game at the stadium so those who are attending the 4:30m and 5:30pm classes MUST park next door at Chace Building Supply and walk to CF Torque – think of it as a warm-up – thanks for your cooperation!
**Adding a 9am class to Tuesday & Thursday’s. WOO!
**This just in: CFT Koozies! Check them out at the box (in the office).
Wednesday August 8, 2012
Hang Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
5 Rounds for time of
1 Squat Clean, 135#
2 Hang Power Cleans, 135#
3 Jerks, 135#
Sprint to end of building and back
Post your hang clean weight and wod results to comments!
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