April 2015 Push-up Challenge

Ready for the next challenge?

January was Rowing. February was Shoveling (everyone was a winner). March was Double-Unders. April will be…..


Start Date: Monday April 6.
End Date: surprise!

Details: EVERYONE CAN and SHOULD do this challenge! It doesn’t matter if you have 1 or 50 consecutive push-ups, or whether you are on your toes or your knees: this challenge will make you better! 

Find a partner that can keep you accountable, and monitor full depth / range of motion on your push-ups – preferably someone who consistently works out at the same time as you.  Neither of you have to be on the same level of push-ups.

We will have weekly assignments and mini challenges for you to follow along with.

More specifics will be announced this coming Monday night!

people working out in a group fitness class


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