1/2/15 | Friday.
Strength: Squat Cleans
Workout of the Day: For time, complete 10-8-6-4-2 reps of:
Squat Cleans (165/115#),
30 Double-Unders.
Reminder Holiday Schedule this week:
Friday – normal class schedule. Additional CF Kids class 11-11:45am.
Saturday – normal class schedule. (normal CF Kids class 8-8:45am).
*Rowing & Nutrition Challenge: sign up here and get more details: https://crossfittorque.frontdeskhq.com/events/415404
Rowing Challenge – sign up through Concept2 (free) – goal is to row the most amount of Meters as possible in the month of January.
Nutrition Challenge: Choose from Grain-free or Sugar-free.