October Athlete Focus: Kerri M


October Athlete Focus:  Kerri M

“Kerri has been coming in and crushing it consistently for the past (almost!) three years! I still remember putting her and Bill through onramp and them laughing in my face when I said they may want to cut back on the beer and wine!”

– Coach Jake

Member since:December 11th 2014
I have been at CrossFit Torque for 3 fun years.  I am a busy mother of two spunky kids 3 and 5 years old. We have a 6 year old English Bulldog named Louie and a Beta fish named Hank who is going to live forever despite me not changing his water consistently.  I am a part time Nurse at BI Boston and part time stay at home mom in Wrentham.  I am a wife to Bill Montanaro the strongest man alive.  Even stronger than Coach Jake.  I enjoy hiking, kayaking, running, enjoying drinks with friends, snowboarding, and of course working out at Torque.  I hope to one day travel more with the kids.  One day I would love to have a house in the mountains where we can go and relax.  Right now I am just hoping there is something in the refrigerator for dinner.  I haven’t showered and going to the store would really suck right now!  #momlife.

What was it about CrossFit Torque that made you want to join?

My husband Billy (also a Torque member) and I had just moved to Wrentham after having 2 children and selling and buying a home during one of the worst winters in New England.  He had expressed that he wanted to try CrossFit a few times but would never sign up.  Probably for the same reasons many people just never get to that step.  Being the most wonderful wife in the world I signed him up for “Try a Class” right after the holidays.  He was very excited but hesitant.  As the 1st class loomed closer he asked if I would join him.  WHAT?  ME? This was your thing!  Not mine.  But did I mention I am the most amazing wife in the world?  So I went…I was so nervous!  So what happened?  We had fun!  Together as husband and wife we had found something we both wanted to do for ourselves.   Something that we could encourage each other through, laugh about and keep coming back for more.  I have been there for 3 years and that is the longest I have ever committed to any kind of health plan!

What has kept you coming back to Torque, day after day??

Lets be honest I was in a rut.  I had 2 babies at home and my body was well…not how I remembered it.  I was looking for more than just a good workout.  I was looking for a new hobby.  Something I could do for me.  An hour that was mine and all mine.  BONUS!  I feel better now than before I had kids.  I don’t quite look like a 25 year old that’s for sure but what I think I look like is a very healthy happy 37 year old woman that can do more than most 25 year old kids can.  Torque became my outlet and I keep coming back to feel good about myself.

What is your favorite thing about working out at Torque?

I honestly just love showing up and seeing what wonderful people I am working out with that day. I have met so many wonderful people at the gym.  I love hearing about peoples’ families and vacations.  I love when someone PRs or gets that pull up or muscle up.  The support that the members and coaches give each other is addicting.  Who doesn’t love positive reinforcement??

What is your proudest accomplishment thus far?

This is hard!  I have a few.  I am proud that in 3 years I went from on ramp with Coach Jake hanging from that pull-up bar and not being able to move.  I remember him saying “pull up Kerri” and I said “I am!”  Now I am able to do multiple strict pull-up and even with a little weight!  I can kip and I am currently working on my butterfly form.  Every time I master something there is a new movement to try.  One day I hope to get my first bar muscle up!  My goal is to do it before Billy!  I am also proud that I have turned my super sweet Yogi sister in law into a CrossFitter. She is my sister in law, neighbor, best friend, and now a work out buddy!  It’s so fun to introduce people to CrossFit.  I have never met anyone who didn’t like it.

What has been your biggest challenge?

This is no secret!  My biggest challenge is that barbell!  I scale most movements on the barbell because I can’t lift as much as some of the other girls.  This was a hard pill to swallow for a while.  I don’t PR much and that’s OK.  I realize that some of that is due to diet and lifestyle.  Maybe one day I’ll get that under control.  For now I am having a great time eating left over mac n cheese and having sugary cake at birthdays.   Honestly that may never change!

What is your favorite CF movement to do?

Does running count?  Just kidding.  I LOVE LOVE toes to bar.  I love that I had to work hard for my first one and then it clicked.  I love that I feel like a little kid on a playground every time they are in a workout!  Toes to bar work every muscle in my body, as evidenced by the day after body soreness.  My perfect workout?   Running, TTB, and Burpees.  (insert gasp here)

What piece of advice would you give to someone who is looking to start CrossFit but hasn’t yet?

Find a buddy.  Find someone already is the CrossFit community to buddy up with or find a crazy friend that will go with you and try it out.  Put the date in your calendar and just show up!  It is so much fun to share this experience with a loved one or friend.  Within a week you will have more friends.  Within a month you will have many friends.  You will be working out and having fun at the same time.  Walk in for your first class hang off that bar and challenge yourself to do your first pull up.  You will feel strong and empowered.  Your life will thank you.
Thanks for asking me to participate in Octobers Athlete Focus!  I am honored to work out next to all of you.  Thanks for your continued support.  You really don’t realize how you have affected my life in the most positive ways.  I heart all you guys![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery interval=”5″ images=”22489,22488,22487,20325″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

people working out in a group fitness class


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