Can you complete 1000 wall ball shots in one month?
May 2017 Wall Ball Challenge!
There are two goals for this challenge:
- Focus on doing the wall ball correctly and safely each rep; if we practice wrong, we won’t improve!
- Become more comfortable with the wall ball shot and stronger in your squat position
We have extended two challenges based around the 1000 rep goal:
- Complete all 1000 at a heavier weight than you usually use – maybe it’s the 30# for men and 20# for ladies!
- Complete 75% (or 750) at the normal weight you use, and 25% (250) at a heavier weight
*Wall Balls in your metcon or workout of the day (or warm-up) DO count towards your totals
*Keep a running total on the whiteboard at the box
*You may come early or stay a few minutes post workout to complete your wall balls
*If you’re only a 2x/week’er your goal is 650 wall balls!