Friday 110916

Check out the new testimonial page! If you want to add your story to our community page, email us!
Announcement: CrossFit Total will be held on Monday September 19, 2011. For more information, click here.

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Handstand Hold, 6am class Thurs 9-15-11

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Handstand Hold, 6am class Thurs 9-15-11

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Handstand Hold, 6am class Thurs 9-15-11

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Ring Fly, 6am class Thurs 9-15-11

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Handstand Hold, 12pm class Thurs 9-15-11

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Handstand Hold, 12pm class Thurs 9-15-11

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Handstand Hold on Parrallettes, 12pm class Thurs 9-15-11

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Handstand Hold, 4:30pm class Thurs 9-15-11

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Handstand Hold, 4:30pm class Thurs 9-15-11

Friday September 16, 2011
Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1-1
Workout of the Day:
30-25-20-15-10-5 reps of
Med Ball Cleans (20/14#)
Ring Push-ups
Post Overhead Squat and WOD time to comments!

people working out in a group fitness class


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