Fit it Forward Day 5 Challenge

Today is the fifth day of our March Challenge: Fit It Forward. This week, we’re working on your happy. Read more about it here.
Fit It Forward Challenge: Teach a friend to squat.
Sitting down and standing up will save your knees, your health, and maybe your life. We have members who have been trying to sit in a full squat for up to 30 minutes every day all month. You don’t have to be that extreme, but when your husband is 80 and wants to get out of bed to pee without help…you’ll BOTH thank us.
We’ve got a prize for your friend, coworker or spouse who learns to squat under your guidance today. Click here to see it.
Tag yourself in this picture in my Facebook stream (or the Torque Facebook page) and make it your profile pic for the week! You don’t have to tell anyone what it means if you don’t want to, but we wanna know that the TorqueNation Family is doing some good out there!
The picture looks like this:
Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 10.28.04 AM

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Torque Health and Fitness is right for you.
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