There will be NO 6pm class tonight. The 5pm class will wrap up by 5:45pm
TONIGHT – Barbells for Boobs Fundraising Event!! 6:15-8:15pm. Still time to sign up and/or donate!
Friday October 25, 2013
Clean & Jerks
30 Clean & Jerks for time, 135/95#
Compare your results to June 24, 2013 (130624), December 12, 2012 (121212), October 19, 2012 (121019), August 31, 2012 (120831), April 11, 2012 (120411), July 1, 2011 (110701) and Nov 10, 2011 (111101).Post your results to comments!
*CrossFit Torque Teens- Monday and Wednesdays 3:15-4pm. $150 for 12 class punch card. Get your teen involved in an awesome community and help build their power and strength! Email or come by for the first class!
*Thurs Oct 31 – Halloween – dress up in your costume and complete the workout of the day – there will be a fun surprise that day!
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