Open Prep Week 5!

Let’s Get Gymnasty!

Join Coach Michael either this Tuesday at 7pm or Saturday at 10am for his final Open Prep sessions, where he will teach you various gymnastic skills that will improve your efficiency and comfortability! He will go over skills like; kipping handstand push ups, butterfly pull ups and skin the cats, things that will help prepare you for whatever this years’ Open throws your way!
Come to Open Prep and Learn:

  • Strength Building
  • Traditional Kipping
  • Kipping Handstand Push Ups
  • The Butterfly Kip
  • Skin the Cat

First text, first serve. 508-543-1126Zipwhip logo Reserve your spot today!
Insta OpenPrep Week 5

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Torque Health and Fitness is right for you.
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