Tuesday 12/24/19

Reminder classes today: 6am, 8m, 9am, 12pm. Closed Wednesday. Thursday no 6am.

Workout: “12 Days of Christmas!” or “12 Barbells of Christmas”

12 Cal Rower. 
11 Pull-ups,
10 Goblet Squats 
9 Sit-ups,
8 Burpees, 
7 Shoulder-to-Overhead,
6 KBSwings (53/35#), 
5 Wall Balls (20/14#),
4 Hang Power Cleans
3 Deadlifts (115/75#), 
2 Handstand Push-ups
1 Box Jump (30/24”)

12 Burpees
11 Overhead Squats
10 Hang Power Snatch
9 Push Jerks
8 Squat Cleans
7 Thrusters
6 Push Press
5 Back Squats
4 Strict Press
3 Front Squats
2 Hang Power Cleans
1 Deadlift

people working out in a group fitness class


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