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‘Tis the season of GIVING!
Join CFT’s effort to support and give back to our local community. Growing up, the Chace kids have always been taught to give back, especially around the Holidays, so my hope is to extend this to our second family, all of you!
This holiday season, we would like to collect non-perishable items for the Foxboro Food Bank so they are well stocked for the holidays and winter time.
Supporting others beyond our gym and our families can go a very long way, even when we can’t see the direct impact.
Our goal: is for every member to donate 3-5 of the below items! For every 3 (non-perishable) items you donate, you will be entered into a raffle for a CFT gift basket equipped with:
multiple items from the Torque Retail area AND 50% OFF one month’s membership! 
So if you bring in 6 items, you will be entered TWICE into the drawing, 9 items, THREE times…. get the picture?!
This drive will happen starting TODAY and go until Monday December 19th. We will drop off any donations collected from now until the 23rd in preparation for Thanksgiving; and then again on the 20th of December in time for Christmas Eve.
I would love to get 100% participation! Last year we had 60% – think we can get 100%?
Time to spread some Joy and extra Love! When you’re out shopping just throw some extra items in that basket. The smallest things really do go a long way.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me or Amanda!

Current Needs for the Holidays: 
Mac n Cheese
Instant Oatmeal
Bottled Juice
Ongoing Needs:
Peanut Butter, Jelly, Fluff
Beef soups
Coffee, hot chocolate
Toiletries: Tooth paste, deodorant, Feminine Products
Thank you very much, #TorqueNationCares
Christine, Amanda & team
people working out in a group fitness class


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