Results For Category: "WOD"

7/11/19 | Thursday

7/11/19 | Thursday. Skill:Handstand Technique Day! Workout of the Day:AMRAP in 20 Minutes of: *Max Handstand Hold, *Every time you…

7/10/19 | Wednesday

7/10/19 | Wednesday. Strength:Back Squat 5 x 5 at 80% of 5RM. Workout of the Day:For Time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of: Wallballs (20/…

7/9/19 | Tuesday

7/9/19 | Tuesday. Strength:Push Press 7 x 3. Workout of the Day:10 Rounds for Time: 7 Pull Ups, 7 Dumbbell Push Press (50/35), 7 B…

7/8/19 | Monday

7/8/19 | Monday. Strength:Squat Snatch 6 x 1 (Same weight across all sets), Squat Clean 6 x 1 (Increasing weight each set)….

7/5/19 | Friday

7/5/19 | Friday. Workout of the Day:“McGhee.” AMRAP in 30 minutes: 5 Deadlifts (275/185), 13 Push ups, 9 Box Jumps (24…

7/4/19 | Thursday

7/4/19 | Thursday. Happy Fourth Of July!!! We are closed today. Enjoy this time with your friends and family! Normal schedule tomo…

7/3/19 | Wednesday

7/3/19 | Wednesday. Metcon:10 Rounds Alternating every 1:15. 100m Sprint, 100m Row. Workout of the Day: 100 Burpee Sprints. Compar…

7/2/19 | Tuesday

7/2/19 | Tuesday. Workout of the Day: For Time: 30 Double Unders, 15 Pull ups, 40 Double Unders, 20 Burpees, 50 Double Unders, 25 …

7/1/19 | Monday

7/1/19 | Monday. Strength:Overhead Squat 7 x 2. Workout of the Day:For Time: 5-4-3-2-1 of: Rope Climbs, 15-12-9-6-3 of: Overhead S…